Category: Stress

  • Top ten stress busters 2025

    Top ten stress busters 2025

    Smile Smiling is the first line of defence against stress. It’s quick, easy, and free! When you smile, your body releases feel-good hormones, while the stress hormone, cortisol, is reduced. Smiling helps you feel calm and in control. It lowers your blood pressure and makes you feel good about yourself. Exercise As well as its…

  • Stress: Causes, Symptoms and Support

    Stress: Causes, Symptoms and Support

    What are the causes of stress and what help is out there? With so many pressures in today’s bustling and fast-paced society, both your mind and body can take the brunt of it all. Many of us complain about being stressed, but what really is stress, what are the symptoms of stress and what can…

  • Hypnosis for Anxiety

    Hypnosis for Anxiety

    What is Hypnosis? Hypnosis is a natural state which we all experience almost on a daily basis. That time you were in a meeting and your mind wandered off for a time, looking out of a train or bus window and becoming lost in your own thoughts and all the other times we are aware…

  • Hypnotherapy to help with depression

    Hypnotherapy to help with depression

    Depression is an extremely debilitating illness which affects not only the individual, but also their family, their friends, their employment, their self esteem, and ultimately, restricts the enjoyment of their life. Many people with depression go through life without seeking help, believing that depression is just ‘part of them’, but in truth, depression is very…

  • Stress Caused by Commitment

    Stress Caused by Commitment

    Many people with commitment phobia have problems with committing to relationships. Quite often, the people who view this page, and go on to contact me, are not the commitment phobic person themselves, but their frustrated partners. The fear of commitment can manifest itself in many forms… Expressing unusually high levels of criticism of a partner…

  • Fears and phobias

    Fears and phobias

    Common Fears and Phobias Whenever someone has a phobia, they often want to know where phobias come from, how they differ from fear, and what they can do to get treatment for it. If you have a fear or phobia that’s not included on this page, rest assured that most phobias have a great deal…